Installing Open MPI on Mac OS X

The installation of Open MPI on Mac is surprisingly easy.
  1. Download source code from At the time of posting the current stable release of Open MPI is version 1.6.1.
  2. Copy the archive file to a temporary location to compile it. Open and change directories to the new location of the Open MPI archive. If you downloaded the source code as a .tar.gz file, you can untar/zip it by typing

    tar zxvf openmpi-1.6.1.tar.gz

     which will create a directory called openmpi-1.6.1/. Change directories into the new directory.
  3. Assuming you have some compilers installed, you can now run the configuration script. As mentioned above, if you don't have any compilers installed, you can check out my page on installing the GNU compilers before proceeding. If you only have one set of compilers installed, you can run the configuration script by typing

    ./configure --prefix=/usr/local

     If you would like to install Open MPI someplace other than /usr/local, you can change the directory listed for the prefix flag.
    • If you have multiple compilers installed, you can specify which compilers you would like to use as follows

      ./configure CC=icc CXX=icpc F77=ifort FC=ifort --prefix=/usr/local

      where you specify the C (CC), C++ (CXX), Fortran 77 (F77) and Fortran 90 (FC) compilers with the listed variables*.
  4. Assuming the configuration script runs without issue, you can compile the code by typing

    make all

    which will compile the Open MPI libraries/binaries and configure the wrappers for using the specified compilers. This should take a bit...
  5. Again, assuming the code compiles without issue, you can install Open MPI by typing

    sudo make install

    Beware that using 
    sudo can do major damage to your computer if you aren't careful. You can now feel free to delete the temporary Open MPI build directory (e.g.,openmpi-1.6.1/) since the code has been installed. If you think you might want to rebuild with different compilers or change the configuration, you may want  to keep this directory around.
So now you should have a functional installation of Open MPI on your Mac. You should be able to compile code that uses MPI by using the Open MPI compiler wrappers (mpicc,mpicxxmpif77mpif90) and run MPI-enabled programs with mpiexec. If you try to use the new Open MPI executables and they are not found, it may be that/usr/local/bin (or wherever you specified with the --prefix flag in the configure stage) is not in your $PATH environment variable. You can confirm this by typing 

echo $PATH

if you do not see /usr/local/bin listed between the colons, you will need to add it. I describe how to do this at the end of my page on installing the GNU compilers.

For assistance on linking to Open MPI or running MPI-enabled software, check out the Open MPI documentation.

* Minor typo fixed 08/12A previous version of this page listed the configuration step as
./configure CC=icc CXX=icpc F77=ifort F90=ifort --prefix=/usr/local

where you specify the C (CC), C++ (CXX), Fortran 77 (F77) and Fortran 90 (F90) compilers with the listed variables.
I believe that the use of the environment variable F90 is no longer supported and F90 has been replaced by FC in the GNU automake tools.

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